Sunday, December 27, 2009
Christmas was fantastic. Christmas Eve always consists of a rousing game of white elephant (this years prizes, a cozy blanket, a mini slinkee, and a round brush. There have been worse years....), beautiful serenades by those who are musically inclined, and a word or two of the true reason for the season. My sister Lindsey and I stayed up until 3 a.m. finishing a scrapbook for my parents (pictures from this summer up at their property in southern Alberta, mom teared up, so we were victorious!), then Rachael woke up at about 9, loved opening presents (she got an adorable little chair which is just her size, a mini tent with a tunnel, lots of books, among lots of other things...). Nate was SO sneaky and got me a KitchenAid, a beautiful pink coat, a new CTR ring, a necklace and earrings, and some amazing stocking stuffers. I was too spoiled. I got him a fancy shmancy waffle maker (because we don't have enough kitchen appliances, we thought we'd find some more), a guiness book of world records, and some other stuff. So exciting!! I love Christmas, and I promise to get more pictures up soon! We also got to talk to Nate's little brother, Jordan, who is on his mission in Leon, Mexico which was really fun. I hope you all had a great Christmas and have a fantastic New Year!!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Nate's response to my happy dance: "I'm not done with grad school." You better believe when THAT day comes, we'll be happy dancing it up together!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Thanksgiving 2009
These are pictures from our fun Thanksgiving with Nate's family. There was more food than you could ever possibly imagine. As a tradition, the day after Thanksgiving the Russell family has what they call a "Christmas Picnic" which is basically just finger foods, and a lot of them. Delicious! I probably gained at least 34 pounds. Rachael had a ton of fun eating and playing with cousins. This was the last time for a few months we got to see some of Nate's family. We also went to see Nate's grandma Gutke, Jeanette. Rachael was so sweet with her and had a tea party with great grandma and cousin Abigail. So cute!! This Thanksgiving was a blast!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Grad school is coming up in August, so until then we're going to move in with my parents until the end of April until we figure out where that school is going to be. Life is just trucking along, Rachael is getting bigger, and we're loving every second of it. As this one door closes, I'm excited (and scared) to see where it will lead. I'm just so lucky and blessed to have such an amazing companion and best friend. I love you, Naterbug!
Monday, November 30, 2009
Running Out
With the move coming ever closer, I've been noticing lots of essentials that are slowly disappearing. I don't want to buy more of these things because then I'll have to either haul them, store them, toss them, or give them away. Rrrr....
- Laundry detergent
- Dishwasher detergent
- Q-tips
- Trash bags
- My shampoo (Nate still has a ton)
- Hairspray
- Margarine
- My amazing Costco baby wipes
- Dish cloths that don't smell bad after 10 seconds (I plan on tossing all of them and buying new ones wherever we go next)
Here are some things we have in abundance
- Cereal, hot, cold, whatever
- Ramen noodles
- Rice
- Cream of Chicken/Mushroom soup
- Goldfish
Sorry no pictures of Thanksgiving yet, they'll be here as soon as I find my camera (I really need to stop losing that...). Suffice it to say we had a BLAST with Nate's family, as kind of one last hurrah with the family who is relatively close. Seven out of the nine were there, only missing Matt and Heidi's family in North Carolina and Jordan serving in Leon, Mexico. We're going to miss everyone so much!
P.S. The Christmas tree is up! We picked out a beaut' from Lone Pine a few days ago, perfect sized, not too big, but not tiny either.
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Freak out.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sad life...
So I've been waiting over two weeks for this gate to get here. (Speaking of... Site-to-Store with Wal Mart sounds like a good deal, but it takes way longer than usual) Poor little Rachael is getting very frustrated with not being able to get into the kitchen, but this is going to make my life so much easier. Here is her initial reaction. I am such a mean mom.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Twizenty Thrizee
*Oh, I also stopped answering my phone at around 5 to hit the town, so sorry if you called after that and I couldn't answer! I'll call you tomorrow!*
Friday, November 6, 2009
Little Scamp...
Monday, November 2, 2009
All Hallows Eve eve
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
For Lindsey
Monday, October 26, 2009
The really weird thing is she didn't have a fever and she had been her normal happy self all day yesterday and is happy today so I know its not the flu... oh, being a mom.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Family Pictures
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
It was one year ago today that I created you, and you have been a fantastic buddy. Keeping all of my peeps up to date with the goings on in the Russell family, it can't be easy work because we move a LOT! You have followed us to our adventures NYC, North Carolina, all over Utah, and of course, Idaho. I just wanted to say thank you for always being willing to upload pictures or simply let me vent. I look forward to the next year with you and all of the new adventures we will have. I need to experience a blurb with you (I think thats what its called, your future destiny of becoming a book). You're a good buddy.
Love, Erin
Top Ten
10. You have several board books memorized, very handy if you ever need a poem about the alphabet or forget your animal sounds
9. People understand (or they SHOULD) if you look like garbage on occasion (although I personally try to avoid that, but hey, it happens)
8. Naps, although I hear those go down significantly when you have a second child.
7. If you have a toddler you always have snacks on hand, be it pretzels, crasins, marshmallows, whatever... very handy.
6. You get to practice your singing nightly while keeping up with your favorite primary songs, with no judgment attached (unless your husband is listening at the door, haha, but even thats OK cuz he loves your voice too!)
5. People love to do stuff for you, especially if you are pregnant.
4. You lose weight (well... some do. Most do if they nurse.)
3. It must be said. You don't have to endure "that time of the month" for at LEAST nine months. I personally went about 21 because of nursing and they were amazing!
2. Baby wipes. I'm pretty sure I'll still keep bags lying around even after I'm done having kids...
And finally...
1. No matter how many purses, necklaces, earrings, scarves, etc... you may have, a kid is THE cutest accessory you could ever hope to have. And you get compliments on it all the time.
So all in all, I think being a mom is a pretty sweet gig.

Saturday, October 17, 2009
New favorite animal: Cow. We just pull up to Nate's parents house and she points towards the pasture and goes "moo" (even though it really sounds like "boo"). So cute!!
P.S. We just got our family pictures taken today, and I have a good feeling about them! It will be a little while before she gets them edited so they will probably be ready when I get home from St. George.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Little Mommy
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Poke It
So my friend Sam and I were talking the other day about when kids typically start using utensils. She said she has a friend whose kid was eating with utensils by the time she was 15 months. Well Rachael has been an extremely picky eater as of late, especially when it comes to veggies. (I've attributed it to teething, which I'm sure is partly to blame.) But I figured lets try letting her "feed herself!" As you can see, we were victorious! It takes a little more time, but she ate like 10 of these little carrot pieces. Amazing! I should probably invest in some toddler forks and spoons (I'm pretty sure they're out there...) so she doesn't poke her eye out, cuz she probably would.
(The video is a little shakey cuz I was watching the kid... Sorry)
Friday, October 2, 2009
Playtime is the new bedtime
I am (mostly) loving Rachael's ability to walk. She just looks so cute! My new favorite time of day is now right after bathtime and before bedtime. Rachael is LOVING this $1 ball from Wal-Mart and will literally play with it for at least an hour. She loves to run right at us with it, then turn away and go a different direction, squeeling all the while. I've been trying to capture this adorableness, and I kinda did, but truly, it is so much cuter in person. I just love this kid! And I love that she loves to play with her daddy so much! And even though her bedtime is later than I would usually like, it really helps that she isn't fussy. I can't believe how big she is getting!
Sorry about the terrible quality.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Plant a tree

Friday, September 25, 2009
My little scholar

This is my friend Lacey reading to her before bedtime.
Bag Balm

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Area Rug!

Saturday, September 19, 2009
I TOLD you it was true!!

Friday, September 18, 2009
Jealousy and waiting
Monday, September 14, 2009
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Job update
Is this Erin?
This is blankety-blank from La Jolla Apartments. I was just calling to let you know that the stylist position has been filled.
Ok, thanks anyway.
Thanks, good bye.
I don't know what I was expecting, but her tone was just really rude and I would have liked somewhat of an explaination, even just a "we decided to not license the salon." Oh well... I guess it wasn't supposed to work out. If anyone needs a haircut or some nails, just let me know! I'm saving my money for a good cause. (All within one week in December, Nate has graduation, birthday, and Christmas. I want to get a sweet present.)
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
One Yearsers