Once Nate got home we headed out to go trick-or-treating. We went to a part of town that I had heard from girls in the ward was a good place. There were a TON of people there. It was pretty chaotic. I had Whitney in the baby carrier I borrowed from a friend, and we lasted a good 50 minutes out there. As we headed back to the car, Rachael spotted a playground and that was the end of everything. Whitney was shrieking, literally shrieking. I've never heard that noise come from a baby before. So we had to pull Rachael away from the slide, and she was not happy. Nate had the screaming Rachael, I had the shrieking Whitney, and after much struggle we got both girls into their seats. We got home and snapped a few pictures, then they headed to bed. PHEW! I'm not gonna lie, I'm glad this Halloween is over. But next year we're ALL going to dress up!

I made these fun peacock costumes for the girls. Thank you Pinterest for the inspiration! I love how their headpieces turned out! Now what am I going to do with them... and the 125+ yards of tulle...

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