I've got me!!
Seriously, I don't know what it is, but I have been LOVING making bread lately! Any kind, french (see above), banana, whole grain (with this amazing flour you can only get in Canada!), flat bread, cheese bread (woah, yummy.), anything! Don't think I'm weird, but I think yeast is SO COOL! Seriously, you take a few tablespoons of it, put it in some water and sugar, five minutes later its bubbling out of the cup, so you put it with some flour, oil, and salt and VOILE! In just a little while you have this amazing piece of deliciousness in front of you. I also think I've been baking so much cuz I've been so bored. Some people are lucky enough to have a sewing machine (which I would LOVE!) but I just have flour and some yeast. I'm probably going to gain about 3985 pounds, so I really need to start taking stuff to neighbors to make some friends. I'm going to try out an amazing looking vanilla pudding cinnamon rolls. My mouth is watering just thinking about them!! Man, oh, man, this is gonna be a delicious week!
Collecting Glitter
9 years ago