My sister, Lindsey, found this for me a while back in my parents house and I just re-discovered it as I was doing some more unpacking. These are some lists of the kind of guy I would like to date/marry I made in a Y/W class in Sept. 1999, so I was almost 13. Just a little Beehive. (They start us early, eh?) I'll write the whole list down, spelling errors and all, so you can have a good chuckle, I know we did!

I love my artistic skills. The bulging biceps, the flowers, even him saying "Hey Baby." Nate to a "T"!!
Standards, personality, religion, mature, respectful, understanding, future/return missionary, sense of humor, trustworthy, serves others, nice, tall, fun, spiritual, cute, look on the inside, no jerk, like your parents, athletic, high goals, lives commandments, physically fit, popular, intregrity, testimony, religion, nice clothes, owns a car, friendly, kind, intelligent, good job, fun
I can honestly say that Nate meets ALL of these requirements. Honestly. (Although the "nice clothes" one greatly improved upon marriage)