Wednesday, September 7, 2011

What Would Your Sign Say?

My wonderful sister-in-law, Heidi, shared this link on her blog. You should really read this. It says that its long, but its not too bad. So, my friends, look away from Pintrest for five minutes and read this article! Truly inspiring.

I'm really trying to think of what my sign would say... I'll share it with you when I think of it. This one she's wearing gets pretty close though...


Brooke Bennett said...

Thank you so much for sharing this. Yes, I'm crying because it does hit home so much. Not all the way sure what my sign would say.... gotta figure it out. I'll def. be doing a blog post about this in the near future. Thanks again!

The Meachams said...

Great story! Thanks for sharing. It makes me step back and realize I need to be better at thinking of what people could possibly be going through.

Kristin said...

I agree, great post! If you haven't already seen it on YouTube before, there is a video I just saw on Sunday that teaches something very similar to this. I just posted about it on my blog, but what a great message! I'm not sure what my sign would say. Probably something like, "My life is harder than it looks..." or something. I'll be thinking about it though!

Case and Lexi said...

Erin I loved this so so so much! thank you for sharing it! I am totally stealing it one of these days and posting it on my blog!

Kristin said...

P.S. And I wish we lived closer together so we could play!

Bret and Britni said...

Very touching story... and a great reminder that everyone is fighting some sort of battle, so to be kind and loving and patient to all. Even the dufus who cuts you off on the freeway. :). I wish everyone could apply this principle to their lives... just think how much better off the world would be if we would. Thanks for sharing!