- Put some form of product in your slightly damp hair, gel, mousse, even plain ol' hairspray, just something.
- Twist each section of hair away from your face and roll it into a bun. It does NOT have to be pretty, just a bun. I have really thin hair so all of my hair fit into nine buns, but if you've got thicker hair you might want to do a few more.
- Secure with a bobby pin
- Walk around your house, make some bread, do a load or two of laundry. Your hair just needs to start drying
- After a few hours, take your blow dryer (preferably with a diffuser, but it could work without, I don't know) and blow the buns to speed up the drying (you could do this periodically throughout the day too)
- Take the bobby pins out and continue to diffuse your hair.
- Flip your head over while blow drying and wiggle your fingers through the roots to break up the hair.
- Whip your head back to maximize the volume, and spray with hairspray.
- VOILE! You're a Rockstar
This was the result today, with unwashed hair (no, I do not shower every day. don't judge.), just sprayed with a spray bottle.
This was yesterday (excuse the crazy eyes...), I think it turned out better yesterday right after the shower, after letting my hair air dry almost completely. Lets not talk about my studded top and black leggings to make me feel even MORE like a Rockstar.
I really want someone to try this out and let me know how it turned out for you!
(Maybe you could do this at night, wrap a silk scarf around your head and sleep on it? I'll buy a silk scarf and try it out.)
(Maybe you could do this at night, wrap a silk scarf around your head and sleep on it? I'll buy a silk scarf and try it out.)
Side Note: Not that anyone would necessarily
want to, but if you do want to "Pin" this, please
don't. Since my blog is public I don't want it
circulated more than it already is. Thanks!
want to, but if you do want to "Pin" this, please
don't. Since my blog is public I don't want it
circulated more than it already is. Thanks!
That is really awesome! It looks so good! :) My hair is like that, just floppy and wavy, no curl, just wavy. And I've always wanted to have that look too. . .I'll have to give it a try. :)
You ARE a Rock Star! So, so cute!
Cool Erin! I can't wait to try this! You are so funny! I enjoy reading your posts!
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