Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Which one is Rachael and which one is Whitney? Can you tell?

Whitney is a sucker. For anything suck-able. I've never been a big fan of soothers (aka: pacifiers, we call them soothers in my family) because I've heard so many horror stories of weaning. Also I hate seeing older kids with soothers stuck in their mouths, cuz that's all you see when you look at them. Not their cute face :) Rachael was never a fan, and she only sucked her thumb a few times. During the day Whitney doesn't have the soother in ALL day, but I can tell she's loving it more and more. Wigwam. I can eventually wean her off of the soother, but I can't take her thumb away from her... I told Nate I was going to put nail polish remover on her thumb to nip this thing in the bud (I didn't) but maybe we'll just have to cross this bridge later. I'd rather her take a soother because they're designed to keep the mouth shape normal, but a thumb can "ruin the shape of her mouth." (Quote: Mrs. Merriweather from Gone With the Wind, go watch it.) *Sigh*

P.S. Whitney is on the top, Rachael is on the bottom. Rach was a little over three months when this picture was taken


The Meachams said...

YES! I picked right! :) Oh, those thumbs and soothers create quite the conundrum....Good luck!

Stefani said...

Don't stress too much about it at this point - Really! Take it from someone who forced a kid to stop sucking her thumb and I still regret doing it. They'll stop all in good time (some earlier than others). It's true!

Sam said...

I guessed wrong. Darn! They do look a like.

Lexi sucked on her fingers not her thumb until she was 2 1/2 ish and her dentist said it hadn't done any damage but that we need to get her to stop. So we order this special nail polish and it did the trick. When you are ready for it tell me know and I'll tell which kind to buy because this is the only one that works. Trust me.