Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Pregnancy (this time)

I just thought I'd take a few minutes to share my thoughts on how this pregnancy has gone, you know... so I don't forget. Again, list form.
  • Easy-peasy (for a pregnancy, I did have my sick-ish days), up until around 33 weeks, then (just like last time) I started to get uncomfortable. My dumb veins popped, as well as my "belly," and I just started to feel blah and thought a lot about NOT being pregnant.
  • Since I'm so close to having this kid, I know what to expect and I'm pretty excited! Not necessarily for the whole labor thing, cuz that hurts, but the after part. And this time I get to look forward to seeing Rachael be sweet with her.
  • It doesn't make sense for this baby to be inside of my anymore. I literally feel like that. Last time I think I was just floating along, enjoying the attention that pregnant women get, finishing up Beauty School, prepping for my Boards, not really realizing that the pregnancy was rapidly coming to an end. Today I was playing with Rachael, and I really thought it was SO weird that I wasn't holding a baby. Is that weird? Well, that's how I feel.
  • Today was my 38 week check-up. It was this week last pregnancy that they put me on bed rest for the evening, then the next day Rachael graced us with her presence. (I need to put the whole birth story down for Rachael, be prepared for that huge post.) My doctor told me today she is measuring a little small (based on the size of my uterus) so if I haven't delivered by next Tuesday they're going to do another ultrasound. That was what happened last time, but last time they didn't even get to the ultrasound, they just induced me. So we'll see... but I really need to focus on counting her movements.
  • I may not look big but I feel HUGE!! I wear my nice four inch heels to church still, and I had a friend tell me she was impressed. Well... nothing else fits.
  • Old Wives Tales DO NOT WORK. I knew this was true, but I've eaten pineapple, spicy food, gone for walks, everything, all to no avail. This baby just wants to come when she wants to come.
  • I'm getting annoyed because I feel like she's just not coming out because she wants to bug me. Like there is a big red button on the inside of my uterus that she just needs to poke, or kick, or hiccup on and labor will begin. Ugh, just push the dang button already!!

    Current 38 week pictures

    37 weeks last time around, one week later I was induced with Rachael


Megan said...

Ummm, you can still jump? That's impressive. I hope she comes out soon, because I know just how uncomfortable those last few weeks are :)

Sam said...

You look amazing! I can't believe that you can jump like that. Good luck and hopefully this little girl comes soon! I can't wait to see pictures of her and of both of your girls together. And I can't wait to hear what name you choose.

PS I still can't get over the pictures of Rachael in the carseat.

Gutierrez Family said...

your freaking awesome ahha i love the jumping picture!! but i miss you lots! i wish i was there so i could see her!!!

Unknown said...

You jumping while being that pregnant is not only inspiring, it made my day! haha I love you.