Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tuesdays are sometimes pretty rough on both me and Rachael, but I like them because they're our busy day and we're not doing nothing around the house. Rachael has speech class from 9-10:30, then once a month our ward has "Lunch Bunch" at noon, so we typically take Nate to school so we can go to that. Today I had an ultrasound at 11:15, so even more busy! Then at 6:30 I go to an Institute class at our church that provides a nursery (SWEET!). The little lady didn't get to bed until around 9:30 last night so I had to wake her up to get her ready for class in time, so she is usually extra tired and sometimes takes a nap in the afternoon. Not such was the case today. She wasn't grumpy all day, just kind of weird... even went potty three times! But as we were saying goodbye to her little friend, Morgan, after Institute this evening, this is how Rachael responded. (Keep in mind, this is only because she couldn't play with Morgan anymore, I did nothing more than put her in her car seat) I call it her Demon Scream. (She also has a Demon Laugh, which is pretty cute, actually.) Now, I hate, hate, HATE this Demon Scream, especially when others are around to hear it. I'm pretty sure she just does it for attention so I try to ignore it when I can. Tonight in the car was an ignoring moment, but I HAD to capture it to show her in about 12 years from now. Sorry the picture is so bad, but really all you need is the sound. I was cracking up while she was doing this (very discretely, of course). Sometimes I cry when she gets like this (depends on the day), but tonight I found it hilarious. Enjoy, and all you with infants, look forward to these toddler moments.


Stefani said...

ha! call in the excorcist;) love it!

Lisa said...

jake totally does that too. sometimes i call him the spawn of satan, which is probably taking it too far.

Kristin said...

Goodie... I just can't wait! She is still cute though. :)

Unknown said...

I am so afraid of the toddler years!

amber said...

Oh I look forward to that. . .not! :) and by the way, loooove your bows below. Lucy needs some new bows, I should get my butt in gear and follow your lead. :)

Melanie and Curtis said...

Ha..just love those moments..sometimes! Children sure make us grow! Thanks for entertaining us with the demon scream!