Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Well I've decided to stay on the ball with my postage. I hate posting pictures of things that happened months ago, so with my new balancing on top of the ball act, here is the Easter Post!!

Here is the BIG Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday. This was just with the St. George cousins, a few hours later even more cousins came all the way from Canada! Cousins galore!!
Rachael, Liam, and Evey, the "babies" took their turn first.

Here is Rachael scurrying about finding her eggs! (With daddy's assistance, of course)
The whole gang!
(L to R: Rachael, Liam, Owen, Jace, Ella, Caden, Evey, Carter, and Emery)

Sunday was an interesting day. We had to come back up to Cedar for Church because I was teaching Relief Society, then we traipsed back to STG where the Easter Bunny left Rachael's basket. She got some bubbles, a stuffed bunny, CANDY, tub crayons, and he was even considerate enough to bring her a beautiful new, pink carseat, one much more comfortable for Rachael's long legs. Thanks, Easter Bunny!

This is the beautiful Easter dress my mom found for Rachael. I love it! I tried to get a few good shots of her in it, but she's two, so not much to be done. I snagged some cute-ish ones, so I'm not complaining.

Easter was awesome this year. I especially loved it because my lesson in R.S. was on Charity, or the pure love of Christ, so I really focused on Christ. My testimony was strengthened with the studying I did, and I am so thankful that Christ rose from the dead. We are all so blessed!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Payless? or PayMORE!!

This is going to be a completely useless, venting post that no one really cares about. Enjoy :)

Spring has sprung 'round these parts (finally) and with it has come sandals. Bust 'em out and paint those toenails!! But, just like last year, I am really struggling finding Rachael a pair of cute sandals that she can run and frolic in, yet still look outrageously adorable. I've already bought and returned three dang pairs in the last week. This one isn't long enough, but if I go a size bigger they'll flop around. This one is too high, she'll break her dang ankle! This one is a good length, but its too loose because it was made for a foot with something other than skin on it. UGH. So frustrating!! I took a quick pop into Payless Shoes today and found a beautiful, super ultra cute pair for Rachael AND for myself. And heck, its BOGO (buy one get one 50% off. My accountant of a husband has pointed out to me on numerous occasions how that is technically just 25% off each pair, which doesn't sound nearly as cool. They really know how to trap us women) AND my sister sent me an extra 20% off coupon, so SWEET! Then I looked at the prices. (Ok, I definitely looked at the prices first, but it sounds better for the story)

Aren't these SO CUTE?!?! Yeah, I'm kinda obsessed with them! I'd totally be willing to pay $15 for a cute pair of summer sandals. NEGATIVE. TWENTY FIVE FREAKING DOLLARS. For what? Three skinny pieces of fake leather, a hard plastic sole, and some buttons that will probably fall off? I'm so annoyed. Just because they're "American Eagle," like that even means anything. Ugh.

But wait, it gets better.

I know, right? SO CUTE!! Those flowers are jewels, and Rachael loves the bling bling, velcro sides, no toe thing which really hurts her feet, cute for play or even for the occasional church day. I really do love them. AND Payless comes in half sizes, so maybe I can even get them to last through the summer. TWENTY DOLLARS. Even worst than my $25 shoes, cuz they're half the size! How ridiculously annoying. I was paying $15 for the shoes I returned to Sears. Even more annoying is that I'm probably going to buy them. Last year I waited and waited and waited to buy her a pair of sandals and stressed myself to no end, but this year I'm just going to do it. Even though it goes against every bone in my "Bargain Shopper" body. Ugh. Ugh, ugh, ugh.

*Note: I will NOT be getting myself those adorable sandals, a girl can only lower her bargain standards so far. Plus, I've been very, very good at not buying myself "post pregnancy" clothes, because when we get to California and Nate gets his sign on bonus, I'm definitely going to hit those amazing malls, still bargaining along :) *

Friday, April 15, 2011

Hair Care for Curly-Q's

As I hope all of you know, I was blessed to have a daughter with curly hair. Not just wavy hair, SUPER curly hair. As much of a blessing that it is, it also requires more up keep than you might think. Maybe its just because of my profession, but I try to take really good care of Rachael's hair. Let me tell you our Hair Care routine. About 6 months ago I started using real, big girl Conditioner on her hair, mostly just in the back (I didn't want it running into her eyes) because it would get all snarled and frizzy within about an hour. Bless you, Conditioner. NOW I actually use my professional Shampoo AND Conditioner in her hair. (Shampoo twice to get all of the product and gunk out! I do it, so why shouldn't she?) She's old enough to keep her head back to keep it from running. Out of the tub, it gets a good brushing. (Oh, and I've actually cut her hair about 5 times, to even it all out and including bangs, and that most definitely happens in the tub where she is occupied) In the morning, I brush all of the snarls and tangles that formed on her pillow the previous night, then I spray her down with a water bottle, which she then proceeds to suck all of the water out of (again, occupied). Side part on the left, then I lift the curls with a pick comb, then I scrunch it with a combination of Nate's SUPER hold gel, also professional strength (hey, I'm a professional) and some amazing light hold gel from Garnier. Seriously, if you/your kid/your dog has curly hair, you should get some of this gel, it really perks them up. I swear, Rachael gets more hair product in her hair than I do. I keep scrunching it for about a minute until the curls have really sprung, then either put a simple little bow in to keep the hair out of her eyes or put a pony or two in (always with a bow). Seal it off with some hairspray and there we go! Finished! It may sound like a lot of work, but its not. Thing is though... the scrunching must be done every day, or else she looks ridiculous. Don't ask where these curls come from, because my hair is as straight as it comes and Nate's is definitely not curly. Extended family genes, I guess... Grandma Hancock had (has?) curls like this. Hopefully this new little girl has curls too, or else I won't know how to handle it!Here it is with her first French Braid on Valentine's Day. Finally!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Brian Regan!!

Today is our Fourth Anniversary!! I can't believe it, it has gone by SO fast! I honestly can't even comprehend life without Nate in it. Even though today technically is our anniversary, Nate "surprised" me with front row tickets to the greatest comedian around, Brian Regan, last friday ni. Yep, front row. Fancy shmancy! The show was, of course, hilarious. It was fun to have a different night out, not just a movie. Thanks, Nate, for splurging on the tickets, it truly was worth it and was so fun!! Love you, babe!!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Tuesdays are sometimes pretty rough on both me and Rachael, but I like them because they're our busy day and we're not doing nothing around the house. Rachael has speech class from 9-10:30, then once a month our ward has "Lunch Bunch" at noon, so we typically take Nate to school so we can go to that. Today I had an ultrasound at 11:15, so even more busy! Then at 6:30 I go to an Institute class at our church that provides a nursery (SWEET!). The little lady didn't get to bed until around 9:30 last night so I had to wake her up to get her ready for class in time, so she is usually extra tired and sometimes takes a nap in the afternoon. Not such was the case today. She wasn't grumpy all day, just kind of weird... even went potty three times! But as we were saying goodbye to her little friend, Morgan, after Institute this evening, this is how Rachael responded. (Keep in mind, this is only because she couldn't play with Morgan anymore, I did nothing more than put her in her car seat) I call it her Demon Scream. (She also has a Demon Laugh, which is pretty cute, actually.) Now, I hate, hate, HATE this Demon Scream, especially when others are around to hear it. I'm pretty sure she just does it for attention so I try to ignore it when I can. Tonight in the car was an ignoring moment, but I HAD to capture it to show her in about 12 years from now. Sorry the picture is so bad, but really all you need is the sound. I was cracking up while she was doing this (very discretely, of course). Sometimes I cry when she gets like this (depends on the day), but tonight I found it hilarious. Enjoy, and all you with infants, look forward to these toddler moments.

Sunday, April 3, 2011


Sorry, not a belly picture...
So I've been making bows like a maniac lately. My Aunt Melanie inspired me to make and sell these bows. I'm trying to earn some money to buy a nice diaper bag before this new kid comes. I wanted to run some prices past those of you with little girls... I was thinking the headbands w/ accessory (which would be cute on us big girls, too) should be $5 each, or two for $8, the woven headbands alone (which I make, and they take a long time...) $4 each, bigger ribbon flower (bottom left) $4 each, or two for $6, tiny corker bows $3.50 each or two for $5, and the small bows, about two inches wide (bottom right, varying styles and colors, including flowers) $2.50 each or two for $4. I want to make the prices reasonable for people, yet I don't want to basically give them away because they take a lot of time and materials to make... Please give me your honest input :)

Saturday, April 2, 2011


So Nate said to me yesterday, "Its been a while since you've posted on your blog. Like half a month." You know its time when a man tells you to put your thoughts somewhere... So here they are, some of my thoughts. Feel free to not read this post, it may get kinda long...

Conference: Today and tomorrow is General Conference. I'm absolutely determined to listen to all four sessions. Last week in R/S I gave the lesson on "going and doing." Basically listen to what your leaders tell you (perfect! During Conference!!) then go and do it. I'm hoping and praying that I will find comfort and answers today and tomorrow.

Pregnancy: I'm slightly freaking out about this pregnancy. Not panicking, just kind of... wondering. How do I know if she is ok in there? Some of you may know that with Rachael I had to be induced a few weeks early due to pre-eclampsia. She came out and was so tiny and literally did not fit into her skin because she had basically been starving for who knows how long. (Probably a little less than a week because I was having weekly appointments by then). Just keep an eye on my ankles and if they all of the sudden get huge and swollen head on in for a urine test? I want a bunch of those little urine test strips to use at home, think they'll give me some? Also, this pregnancy has been painful!! If you ever read on Facebook that I've put myself on bedrest, I literally have. I think the majority of the problem is having a wild and crazy two-point-five year old to chase around, but there are some times when I can hardly walk. Seriously. Pain. I go to the Doctor on Monday for a check-up so of course I'll ask him, but really, what is he going to do unless he puts me on bedrest for the next two months. "Take it easy" has new meaning when you have an active toddler who you don't want trapped inside during this gorgeous weather for the next two months watching movies... And here's a tiny thought: just because you see a pregnant woman who probably looks like she's about 4 months along (AKA: me) waddling around the grocery store, try to not judge her and think, "Honey, you don't even know the meaning of the word pregnant." Because she probably does, and she's probably further along than you think, and the waddling is just a natural reaction to the pain, not just a funny way to walk to support your ginormous belly. Next time I really might get one of those motorized shopping carts, no joke. (Also, 3D ultrasound on Tuesday! We'll be getting confirmation that it is a girl and hopefully have some cute/awesome pictures to share!)

California: Our move to California is coming upon us very, very quickly. Nate has to do his background check for work 90 days before his start date, which is this week... uhh... are you kidding me?! I have to have a garage sale, pack stuff up, have a baby, adjust to baby, possibly make a road-trip to Rexburg, bless the baby, possibly head to Canada for a quick trip, then move to the strange and 97% unknown land of Irvine in 90 days? I can do it, right? Well... I have to. Nate, he has to squeeze one full size class into "Maymester," basically four hours a day, five days a week for the month of May, hold my hand (or my foot...) through labor, start his last semester, road trip to Rexburg, bless the baby, then head to Cali. Can I just thank goodness that my mom gets done with work before this baby is due? (Hopefully...) The goal is to be 100% moved out of this apartment by the last week of June. :S

Clutter: My motivation to clean my house is zero, nil, non existent, out the window. Why? I don't know, but there is clutter everywhere. Some families in our ward are planning on doing a Yard Sale with us in two weeks from today, so as I slowly go through things (and make bows, both for my girls and to sell at the Yard Sale to earn myself some moolah to buy an amazing new diaper bag) I just don't want to clean up the mess. The corner of Rachael's room is piling up with old toys, board games, clothes... ridiculous amounts of stuff. It will feel SO GOOD when it is done, but for now, these two weeks will just have to be ultra clutter-y.

I know some of you want pictures, and I promise to post some soon, like really soon. Even one of my belly, even though it ain't much to look at... :)