Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Double Conundrum...

I'm currently struggling with two dilemmas.
1) Rachael is in that awkward stage between taking a nap but staying up later, or staying up all day (with sporadic bouts of Narcolepsy from the 6-8 p.m. hours) but going to bed like a princess at 8:30 and sleeping until 8. I do love my ME time during the day that I get to spend cleaning or crafting or reading (sleeping? yes.), but I do also love time with just me and Nate in the evenings, to watch a movie or play a rousing game of Yahtzee. Hmmm...2) This may have had something to do with Rachael's lack-of-nap yesterday, but I didn't spend my day fretting over tiny little messes and picking up her toys as the day progressed and I really did enjoy my day, built a few forts, scribbled on the chalkboard, it was a lot more relaxing. However, at the end of the day, the apartment was a mess. Not a disaster, a mess, and I was too tired/lazy to tidy it up (hey, playing all day with a crazy two year old wears you out). Hence, when I woke up this morning, the Cleaning Fairy skipped my home (again!) and it was still a mess.
I just don't know what to do!!


Stefani said...

Budget your cleaning time like your money (set a high standard but when it's gone it's gone, don't miss out on the fun because there is cleaning to do) but don't stress about EVERY little mess either, just keep learning and growing (at least that's what I had/have to do)

And eventually kids stop taking a nap - I had one that never napped. I learned to love 7:30 bedtime. I sorta wished all my kids did it that way.

amber said...

That is a predicament. I would just ignore the mess and sleep. :)