Oh. My. Gosh. Everyone should read this article! My friend, Brittani, posted this on her Facebook and it is seriously amazing. So deep and so true. I think a lot of times the role of "mother" is looked down on, but at the same time there are some amazing people who stand up for it, and
don't judge and
don't question what we do all day. I'll admit, sometimes I do get lazy and turn on a show for Rachael so I can peruse Facebook/Pinterest, but the majority of my day is NOT spent on the computer, or lounging in front of the TV, even crafting (which I would LOVE!), it is spent doing what this journalist says. Staying one step ahead of my kids, keeping them happy, teaching them, cleaning up after them. And when I do have a second to do something for myself, maybe I don't want to call someone or e-mail someone, sometimes I don't even want to write a Facebook message. Not only is everything we do time consuming, it is
completely exhausting! Toss another kid into the mix and it is amplified to the max. It is only 8:00 right now and I am so ready to hit the hooskow (do other families use that term for going to bed? Ours does.). I think if you click on the picture it will get big enough to read. Seriously, do it.
(Actual picture of my children will be coming soon, I promise.)
Read it and love it.
Love this. Too many people don't understand it. I'm not a mama, but boy oh boy I do not doubt for a second that it is a tough - but fulfilling- job!
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