I am so sick of school and I'm not even the one
in school!! I know, I know... it will be worth it in the end yadda yadda yadda. Of course I'm glad I have a hard working husband who realizes the importance of getting education, even taking it a step further and getting a
double masters, but I'm DONE! We've never not known being students. Dating: students, newlyweds: students, newly parents: students, 3.5 years marriage: students. Gaaah!! We're so close to the end and I still feel like these last two semesters are going to go on forever! And please don't tell me I'll miss them when they're gone, cuz I know I will, but really, you can say that about every situation in life. It was hard having a newborn, of course I miss it, it is
really hard having a tantrum throwing toddler, and apparently I'm going to miss these days too, but sometimes I just get so sick of hearing the "you'll miss it" speech. Life moves on, that is part of the reason we're here, progression. I'm so excited for what life has in store for us, in NYC, in Timbuktu, wherever we go, I just want to go there and stop having to scrimp and stress and resent my husband for not helping more with the baby because he's sitting on the computer. Do NOT get me wrong, he is not sitting there playing around, he's doing his work, and doing amazing at it, I'm just sick of life standing in one spot. I'm also not so naive as to think that once he's not constantly doing school work and has a career that he'll be around more to relive my maternal duties, he's an accountant, and they're busy, and they have deadlines. But he'll (hopefully) have most Saturdays and Sundays to
not stress about taking two two hour long tests before midnight because they just opened up yesterday. He'll have time to just be with us. Ugh. Maybe all of this is just overwhelming me right now because I'm currently babysitting my three nephews while my brother and his wife are in San Fran and I'm so tired because four is definitely more than one, and its only been 4 days, but Nate had school school school, so I had kids kids kids. I'm going to bed, this felt good.