Tuesday, June 16, 2009


Well my parents just pulled away and once again I'm left alone after three weeks of fun playing. Here is my dilemma... since Nate and I have done so much moving around I havent had a good opportunity to make any friends. Those of you who know me pretty well know that I am a fairly social person and this lifestyle I have is SO different from anything I've had before. I don't only want friends, I need friends. I have plenty of friends who live in St. George, but it is quite a different kind of friendship. I cannot be satisfied by phone calls, I need face to face. I need to be able to make her cookies and drop them off. I need to go to a movie with her while Nate watches the baby. I love Nate and he truly is my best friend, but I need a common estrogen bond. Between the moves and all of the excuses I make (when I get this box unpacked, at the end of next week I definately will, well she doesn't have a baby so that won't work out, etc...) I haven't really felt the Spirit too much in my life. That is one huge adjustment to having a baby that I haven't really worked the kinks out yet. Again with the excuses (I'm so exhausted, the baby is crying, the baby is climbing all over everything, on monday I'll start reading my scriptures again...). I feel like this is the biggest change I need to make because even if I don't find a kindred spirit (where is Anne Shirley when I need her?) I will always have the Savior there to be my friend. Any tips or suggestions for making good friends or talks on how to keep the Spirit with you while still keeping up on your busy 10 month old, let me know please!

One more thought... how on earth am I going to stay close to the Spirit when I have more kids?? This is insanity... and no, I am not pregnant.


Stefani said...

Erin, you are so cute! This is pretty much a universal problem. I still struggle. I am a social person too, and I know what you mean about that "contact". My short advice is... "make time to do it". As moms we tend to put ourselves and our needs last - or at least near the end. I also think this is how some moms "lose" themselves. So, Be mom... but don't forget to be Erin. Also, remember to put the "big rocks" in first (important but not necessarily urgent things - like reading scriptures) Do those things first - you will still get all those other little rocks in too (like unpacking boxes).

As for MAKING friends... find someone you have a bond with (same stage in life, someone with the same hobbies, etc.) If there aren't any of those, "create" a bond. Plan a party together or something. And, don't forget to share yourself - you go to them (don't wait for someone to come to you - even if you are the new person). Put yourself "out there" - that's how intimacy is formed. It's sometimes scary (I'm always afraid of rejection, but I've never been sorry for being myself and sharing myself) Go Big or Go Home!

Hang in there!

PS. Also remember that you can feel the Spirit by being a good mom. It is a divine calling...the spirit can't help being there.

Becky and James Jackson said...

You nerd I am here in Rexburg and every time I want to play with you, you move away or go home for a visit. I want to be your friend and play with you. I am always up for walks and getting snowcones.

Kristin said...

I agree that you can always rely on the Savior. Sorry... I wish I could help somehow. Maybe on your next kid-go-round we'll have kids the same age. We'll see I guess. Good luck!!

Heidi said...

That Stefani SAID IT!! Most of all - you are fabulous and wonderful and I adore you!!! Friends make the journey so much more fun!! Crossing my fingers for you sweet girl!

Anonymous said...

Oh, goodness girl. You have NO idea how psyched I am that you found my blog! :-) You see, I am in your EXACT SAME BOAT here in good 'ol Rexburg. I think we should hang out... I would LOVE to bake cookies with you, go to movies with you, and gosh dang it I'd love to play with that cute little girl of yours too!

Shoot me an e-mail, and we'll talk. [aubrielzinga(@)gmail(.)com] My spa had a fire, and so I'm unemployed until the end of July. I've got all the time in the world to hang out with a friend :-)