Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Potty Training: Day 1

It. Has. Begun. Potty training, the new bane of my existence. The previous bane of my existence was diapers, so I suppose its a fair trade off. We began the experience by "throwing away her diapers." I quoted that because I didn't actually throw them away, I just put a new trash bag in the can and Rachael helped me "throw them away." The method I'm using says to actually get rid of them because I don't want to feel like I have a back door to use, but lets face it, I may need them again. I'm still trying to figure all of this out, because if I'm not supposed to leave her side for three days straight, and I'm supposed to play with her constantly, how in the world am I supposed to catch all of the times she needs to go before she's done going? Ugh. Well, we had a rocky start. First pair of panties: dry for about an hour. Second pair: dry for about 3 minutes. Third pair: dry for about 2 minutes. Seriously?! I thought I was the only person in this family going to the bathroom every 3 minutes, but I have a baby sitting on my already tiny bladder! I was not a happy panda at this point in the day. But I am happy to report that the next four pairs of panties only got wet because I caught her in the act (one of those acts was act two, sick.) And here is a tip: when you decide on what method to train your kid with, and if it says "have 30 pairs of underwear on hand," they're not joking. We had eight today. I was getting a little concerned. But we made it through and even have one dry pair! But we do need some tomorrow, so what do we do when we have no washer and dryer in our homestead? We use the tub. Hence the seven little panties hung on the shower rod. I plan on buying more panties sometime soon, but Nate usually has the car during the day so... we're tubbin' it. Side perk: the tub is now also clean! Wish us luck for day two, cuz I REALLY want to just slap her back in her diaper and be done with it.
(I was trying to get artsy with my photography)

Her throne. Pretty cute, no? D.I. find, five bucks. You may think that is a tad gross, but I sanded the heck out of this thing and put like 19 layers of paint on it after a thorough bleach process. Good as new, plus she isn't scared of it.


amber said...

This is one thing I'm not looking forward to. :) Good job on making it through day 1! And, I love that little potty! It's so cute and unique!

Sam said...

That is the CUTEST potty ever! You are the DI Queen!

Good luck, it's so worth it. Hopefully you won't have two little ones in diapers.

Stefani said...

love the throne! i want one for myself

● C E L I N A ● said...

I have never seen a potty like that before.


My mom SWEARS by the book potty training in less than a day.

That is how she trained us all.

Lindsey said...

LOVE that potty. In the top 5 of our best D.I. finds ever. Good luck, Love that girl!

Megan said...

Cute potty! Reed HATES his potty, so I've been putting off potty training...

erin said...

i think her throne is adorable, and i don't think it's gross at all. gross if you didn't do anythign to it, but since you did... yeah, not gross.