Tuesday, February 2, 2010


That word describes the last four weeks of our lives. We are all going crazy not having anything to do. Nate is chomping at the bit with not having to go to work or school every day. This guy grew up working every day of his life (one of his best qualities is his work ethic) and he is so bored. As is Rachael. As am I. Its been tough getting into a routine because life is so different than it has ever been. Don't get me wrong, its really nice having Nate around every day to help with Rachael, but I feel like I can't get into a routine with playtime and other things because it is going to end. Its also tough to get out and do anything because the budget is tight. Really tight. We try to go to the park with her or just take her in the backyard to run around, but I'm losing motivation. I'm getting into a rut and I hate it, but I don't know what I can do about it. I know, I know, change my attitude, but that is easier said than done. We're at another one of those crossroads that I HATE. In between two places. I wish it could just be May so we can move to Cedar City, get all of our stuff back, and move on with life. If you know of anyone who is hiring, please let us know, or else I'm going to have to find a job in a salon. I would love/hate that.

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